Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Coffee's On So Get To Work

Day Two for my Blog Day Planner begins with the sight of Starbucks and the pleasant aroma of fresh brewed coffee. After two hours work, I added a scrumptous pastry on the side to go with a coffee refill. MMMmmm....Delicious.


It is important to make sure you have the proper energy stage set in order to be at your best for the day's creative performance.

Staying true to the intention of the Blog Day Planner, I have reviewed yesterday's work list. Thoroughly enjoying this project, I am contemplating what needs a follow up and what projects to attempt for today.

Another idea came to mind for the Blog Day Planner.

Keep a follow up memo section or create it as a list. Each day should contain such list to ensure that each assignment or project gets the proper follow through. If records are kept it will be easier to make assessments for next phases of all projects or work assignments.

Today will be a busy day for me, so I need to get started.

Focus list for Tuesday, September 30, 2008

  1. Review yesterday's list.

  2. Check freelance and blogging emails for updates or job offers.

  3. Make business phone calls relevant to internet work.

  4. Study Scriptlance, which is a new freelance job opportunity site that I joined just a few days ago. Scriptlance also has an affiliate marketing program which I also joined. My affiliate url is in the text codes highlighted above.

  5. Load the Scriptlance banner into three more blog sites as a sidebar widget.

  6. Apply for two job offers through Scriptlance.

  7. Edit the first blog post at Blog Day Planner.

  8. Edit my profile to fine tune it for a portfolio and resume. Include experience, writing style, references and examples of my work in the profile.

  9. Write a post on 1TinSoldier. Edit the sidebar ads and include a link to Blog Day Planner in my link section.

  10. Write a post about Scriptlance on one blog. Include affiliate text links.

  11. Write a debut article for new blogs on some other blogs. Be sure to introduce Dear Diary, Daily Blog Life, Midnight Velocity, Midnight Revelry, Lost At Sea.

  12. Add text links for other personal blogs and websites and for my affiliate programs into one article on five blogs today.

  13. Create two articles using top keywords with hyperlinks to my affiliate programs.

  14. Create one new blog today.

  15. Write an article on Dear Diary.

  16. Create a list of names and ideas for ten niche blogs. This should be repeated once a month.

  17. Develop an outline for two niche blogs.

  18. Update my website, change the profile, and add writing links and samples.

  19. Create a static page for Blog Day Planner with the introduction appearing at the beginning.

If you're not too tired from last night's Flashdance, then consider a walk in the scenic outdoors and enjoy the fall leaves turning. The crisp night air might inspire some Harvest stories.

See you tomorrow for a follow up on today's work. Meanwhile, happy blogging and freelance writing.

The Midnight Writer

Follow Up

In checking my emails, I found a message from Freelance Writers Info in response to an application that I filed just three days ago on September 27th. The company sent me a file titled "Writers Pack" zipped neatly as an attachment. Unfortunately for me, I don 't have compatible software loaded on my computer to open and read the file.

The good news is that posting my portfolio on some Freelance Writng job sites is receiving a fast response. I am interested in studying the trend to see what can be learned that might help other freelance writers and bloggers.

From what I can gather, I am considered to be a hired writer for this company. The message reads, "Many thanks for your kind enquiry and welcome to the Delegate2 group of writers."

Follow List:

  1. Download software to read multiple word files.

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