Sunday, October 19, 2008

She's A Maniac

The title refers to a song from "Flashdance", which I have loaded onto this blog, but it is a pet name for me by my husband. He looks at the long lists of internet work piled up for me and wonders how or why I would even attempt to keep up to it all. That is why I have developed this blog idea, to help keep it together.

As described in my early posts, this is a planning board, a focus sheet, a development log, a sharing board for readers and a teaching tool in the art of blogging. That's one of my terms. I love "coining terms" and expressions. This practice helps me to create word catalysts to remind me of certain tasks required in blogging.

I have failed my own initial protocol, to log into this site first and foremost. The plan was to list, brainstorm, outline, and lay out projects in the works right on this blog for the world to follow along. Well, I got tied up, (not literally, just busy)-performing the work instead of posting it here. Bear with me as I update the latest news.

I am so excited that I was able to purchase a new domain for one of my older blogs. Please visit Making of A Walking to get an idea about the site which I will be featuring occasionally as I update and upgrade this site.

More good news for this week in my freelance writing and blogging adventure is the acquiring of a freelance writing assignment writing for an online magazine. Perhaps it is long term, but only the next few weeks will tell. The Editor praised my writing as "engaging". I am stoked!

Today I was approved for Blogsvertise and received my first blog assignment writing about furniture. I applied months ago and never heard a word from this company. I had almost given up. Now it is only about two weeks since I transferred my blog over to a domain. It is still a strong possibility that buying a domain makes a difference for which assignments a writer will qualify.

Projects For This Week

1. Buy a new domain for one of my ten major blogs.

2. Upload a new theme for Mountain Spirit Productions blog and study the php for wordpress to make it functional.

3. Create a new 125 x 125 image card for "art of blogging".

4. Add the Mountain Spirit Productions Blog  url to all other blogs.

5. Remove all dead links or edit them on all sites and posts. This task is ongoing till completed. It should be scheduled as part of a weekly routine to check blog links.

6. Create a blogging post record to track expected post dates according to a twice per week calculation. Log the actual dates to study where improvements might be needed.

Performing analyses on your own blogs is an important function. Treat blog sites as an asset in your business, since they really are assets. Monitor blogs, especially if you have multiple sites, for quality control.

Time for me to set out to work. I plan to start regular "update posts" on this site next week. I will back track to the beginning and give reports on my progress, my experiences and any interesting new learning curves.

Keep on blogging.

Keep it Simple.

The Midnight Writer


1 Responses to “She's A Maniac”

Katy Lindamood said...
October 21, 2008 at 2:35 PM

What a great idea for a blog. I can't imagine having to keep up with 10 blogs. I do good to keep up with my one...maybe more in the future...looks like you are quite the Maniac indeed!

As for the post it notes. I don't discriminate. I love them all. From the original square ones to the larger ruled versions to the page marker post it tabs I have them all.

When it comes to pens I prefer blue over black but if you look at my desk you will see Red, pink, and even purple pens.

Keep up the great work on this blog. I promise to come visit soon.

Blogging Network


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