Sunday, November 2, 2008

Wow! November 2 Already!!!

How did that happen? October slipped past me and I went 11 days without posting on here! That is an absolute "no-no" if I am to keep this blog up to date and up to speed. Qualification for most sponsored blogs requires 8 posts per month, two per week being preferable.
For all of you new readers out there, this blog is not about "this blog" or "my blog". It is about you and all the bloggers out there who are striving to understand this blogging explosion on the internet and how it applies to You and your writing or blogging adventures.

First step in the focus and priority sheet on today's Day Planner will be to improve this blog's activity. I'm setting the goal for a minimum of two posts per week, though the ideal for a blog of this nature is to write a post every day. Let's call this "setting an intention" for blog performance.

The Plans for November 2008 on Blog Day Planner.

1. Set an Intention.
2. Increase Blog Performance.
3. Meet Minimum Professional Posting Requirements.
4. Keep It Active and Informative.
5. Keep It Simple, but Thorough.
6. Update Blog Daily.
7. Follow Up Weekly, then Monthly.

M a k e I t R e a l

Today's Focus Sheet

Follow Up- --Study this blog, take notes on items listed, plans, intentions and projects.
-Make a list or outline the various items/projects.
-Assess whether tasks or projects are completed.
-Review tasks and projects for quality and promptness.
- Did this planner inspire me to finish the task or project? If so, how?
There is the formula. Now to put it into action.

This will become a weekly assessment of the follow through and success of daily planning. I will review the lists, plans, intentions contained within this blog on a day per day and then a weekly and monthly basis to assess the success of the method and its implementation. In this section, I will share thoughts and ideas on what I believe worked and why along with proposals on how to conduct better planning and incentives.

This is where your ideas are important as well. Post your comments about this whole concept of follow up on setting intentions and blog planning. I am asking for your suggestions which will be taken into consideration on this whole process.

The idea of group mind is effective. Let's experiment with that concept right here on Blog Day Planner.

Cephas and I want to add a little fun and interaction to our blogs. Coming up with ideas is not a challenge. Deciding which ideas to implement, how to present those ideas, and on which blogs to use them is the challenging part.

Here is one idea that we thought would be fun to implement as a test run of the whole concept of special blog interaction special features.

For those who read our blogs, you know that we travel extensively. Due to our travels, we thought it would be fun to feature a "Where are we now?" and let our readers enter locations based on clues of our whereabouts. It's kind of like "Where's Waldo?"

Anyway, I am into feedback on this one. Give me a few days to develop this idea then I'll post the complete information and instructions on how to play "Where are we now?"

And why should this matter to you? Why would you want to play this game?

Because it will be chock full of goodies and blogging awards, like cool blog awards and reciprocal links, some free advertising on our sites. You get the idea.

Remember, it's all about you, and your ranking in the blogosphere in the wide world of cyber action.

If you are interested in playing the game, yet to be named, leave a comment below or email

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