Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Top December Entrecard Droppers

Happy New Year to all you Entrecard droppers out there and to all my readers. Thanks for visiting my site. I pray each of you will have a prosperous New Year filled with joy and safety and peace. Share the love that is so needed around the world. Support all the humanitarian sites that you are able that offer to feed and clothe the needy. Just a reminder, that to change the world means to start where you live.

Thank you top Ten Entrecard Droppers

1. Learning How to Make Money Online - 11

2. My Life - 6

3. Article Marketing
Methods - 6

4. Personal Budgeting Doesn't Have to be Difficult -4

5. Politics 2000 -2

6. Losing It- Getting Fit -2

7. -Chopsticks- The One and Only Original Chopsticks Blogger -

8. Zental Floss -1

9. Margie and Edna's Basement -1

10. Kolkatta -1

My goals this year are to increase my personal drops, reviews and comments on other people's sites. I am making a goal to set aside a time each week to read my favorite blogs like I would read a good book and to visit new blogs.

My New Year's resolution for Entrecard are to steadily increase my weekly drops and return regularly to the sites that I visit to make at least ten "Top Ten Entrecard Visitors Lists" somewhere in the blogosphere. It is my hope to encourage others to share in the practice of recognizing those visitors who faithfully visit our blogs. Hopefully, my top ten will include visitors who stopped by more than once or twice.

Another resolution is to establish the practice of buying at least two ads per week per blog. I also intend to recognize my sponsors who host the ads for my blog on their blog and to recognize those who purchase ads from me.

Happy New Year Every One!
And please find a designated driver.

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