Friday, May 8, 2009

Working in the Backdrop of a Magnificent Mountain

Aerial photo of Mount Shasta taken while flyin...Image via Wikipedia

Today I wanted to take just a minute to share my joy at being in a spectacular place of beauty on earth. I'll be working with the view of Mount Shasta looming close by. We drove through last night and it is like coming home because we used to live here for the better part of three years. Cephas and I camped all over this region and walked through much of the forest here while climbing her wooded hillsides. We endured spring, summer, fall and winter here with a tent pitched in a foot of snow. It's great to return to a place of such wonder.

Of course, Cephas overdid it again yesterday. We scoured the hillsides of Weed looking for an old campsite. A housing project is taking the foothills of Mount Shasta there. Developers cut down a lot of trees so we could not establish our original path. We haven't given up and could go back again. Our markers were tree lines, shrubs, wood piles and the contrast of tall trees next to short ones on the moonlit horizon. It's been four years since we camped there which seems like a lifetime. The world here is much different now than then.

I have some photos that we took yesterday that I need to upload but until I do that, I wanted to share a photo of Mount Shasta for all to enjoy.

There are some tasks that I need to finish today and lots of new ones to begin. Work is coming in a steady stream now and I am reminding myself to be disciplined enough to sit for several hours to write. The sunshine and brisk spring air is calling to me to explore the mountain forests again. I'll enjoy after my work is done. Resist! Resist the temptation to put leisure before my freelance writing assignments. That is an important part of working at home...knowing when to work and when to play. Even though your time is your own there are certain principles and guidelines you must abide if you are going to be a successful freelance writer.

My tasks for today can be categorized by levels of importance and due dates. That is a good way to prioritize. Here is a basic routine that I have established for myself and it might work for you. Of course, it varies.
  • I check my emails first and my invoices that might need submitted from various companies.
  • Respond to urgent emails such as job providers who need assurance that I'm working on their article or pending work to accept or follow up on mistakes made on blog posts. Many times clients will give you a chance to correct your mistakes, if they are minor.
  • Edit blog posts with mistakes.
  • Review my latest blog posts in search of errors such as typos, photos that need resizing, or slight content editing. Sometimes I find one or two posts that just don't measure up to my quality standards. I rewrite those posts.
  • Submit completed work and email the clients to let them know that posts or articles are ready.
  • Upload all my blog posts from Live Writer, which is a service that I use when I'm offline.
  • Check all job boards for new assignments and send emails to current clients to find out if they have new tasks for me.
  • Outline the new articles according to due dates and start working my way down the list.
  • Upload all recent photos onto computer, sort and look for relevant photos to put in my most recent blog posts.
  • When paid assignments are finished, I look at my blogs and attempt to write five or more posts per day. (I have lots of blogs!)
  • Social Networking. Follow up on all my social networks and make a few updates.
  • Entrecard. Drop cards on all recent advertisers, find new blogs to drop on and buy some advertising.
The above outline can vary from four hours to twelve depending on the number of assignments that I have pending . On days like this, I work in two shifts starting in the morning for about five hours. I break for about the five or six hours for recreation, dining, personal relaxation, chores, family time. At night, I'm at the keyboard again sometimes for six to eight hours if I have a lot of work to finish.

I'm anxious to get started on my day. I'd love to hear how you manage your freelance writing life. Leave a comment to share with us.

The Midnight Writer

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