Monday, April 13, 2009

Let Me Tell you about a Million Dollar Blog Log

You might be thinking, what exactly is a

Am I right?

In short, it is a traffic generating system for your blog and others like you with an affiliate program to help you earn commissions. All you need to do is paste a code into your sidebar of any one or all of your blogs, sit back and wait for people like me to click the banner. This will do one of two things.

  • It will give you click through credits that add up to help you earn commissions.
  • It will give you commissions for everyone who signs up.
  • If you are joining for the first time, you will receive an automatic ten dollar ($10.00) bonus.
And please, if you decide to join, please use the nice word graphic above so I can receive my affiliate commissions for you signing up. I worked hard for it you know. Whew! Just kidding, this post is easy for me but I am promoting the link rather than just waiting for the static 125 x 125 widget to work its magic in getting click throughs and affiliate sign ups.

This is why am I writing about this program. To be an active participant in the affiliate program will help generate more visits to the Million Dollar Blog Log and it will help me to be more active in providing information to my readers about widgets for programs in my sidebars. I'm sure you probably wondered about it more than once if you are a regular visitor here. I mean, who wouldn't wonder about a big square widget that promotes "million dollar" any thing?

Now you might be wondering how much I actually know about the program, how much I use it, what it does for me and how much money have I earned with this blog traffic generator. Am I right on what you're thinking?

Let me share with you what I have experienced so far.

Million Dollar Blog Log is the first blog traffic generator with an affiliate program. Now that is great news for all of you out there looking for other ways to monetize your blogs, especially if you are a struggling beginner freelance writer who has to wade through piles of low paying jobs to find those golden nuggets, like me!

They offer free hosting with limited coverage for your blog and Million Dollar Blog Log offers paid hosting for your blogs in the advertising department. Let's explore a little bit about how it works.

The affiliate program gives you the opportunity to earn a whopping 40% on all sales for professional advertising. Now that is a worthwhile incentive to join today and start promoting this program on your site. We can both stand to benefit from our efforts, don't you think?

I'm still a hard working freelance writer who does not earn enough to be independent yet without a secondary income. That is why I turned to affiliate marketing to help pick up the slack. From what I can tell in the few months that I have belonged to this program, it is a good one. Now I just need to promote more. I suggest you take an active role in marketing your programs once you join so you will be more successful. Writing posts is one way to help generate more interest in affiliate programs.

So, what about the blog traffic generating side of this program? It is extensive so I'll give you the short and skinny side of it today. Sign up, enter your blog url and profile and the Million Dollar Blog Log will generate traffic for your blog on a programmed basis. I'm not real clear on how this works yet, but I'll be reading so I can share it with you.

Next, enter the code for a widget into your blog sidebar with your special code so you can earn referrals. Getting more blog views for your site takes a little more active effort that will require that you log in regularly and take an active stance in the different programs available at Million Dollar Blog Log, like Blog Wars similar to Blog Explosion.

This program will require about four posts to do it justice and to give an in depth review of how it works. I'm making this a regular feature for about two months so we can discuss more about the program and its advertising techniques. I'll feature updates about my experience with it as well and I would love to hear how this blog promoting service is working for you.

The Midnight Writer

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